Not GuiltyDUI - 0.12% BACThe Defendant was charged with a DUI and a blood test of .12% and a hit and run. After trial, the Defendant was found Not Guilty of ALL charges and was discharged.
No Jail Time2nd DUI with CollisionThe Defendant was charged with DUI, BAC .18% and a collision. The Defendant was also charged with a BAC greater than .15% and a prior conviction in 2006 out of Harbor Court, Orange County. The Defendant could have gone to county jail for 1 year. The Defendant received 60 days in Orange County jail to be served as home confinement and the remaining mandatory fees and programs. The Defendant never returned to jail.
Case DismissedFelony DUIThe Defendant was charged with a Felony DUI in violation of Vehicle Code 23152 (a) and (b) for driving under the influence of alcohol with a BAC of .08% or higher with three prior DUI’s. The Defendant had failed to appear on his original court date and there was a warrant issued for his arrest. The Defendant was now facing up to 3 years in prison for the Felony DUI. Attorneys Randy Collins argued that Defendant’s Due Process rights had been violated and brought a Motion to Dismiss the case. The Motion to Dismiss was granted and the Defendant was released from jail and his case was dismissed.
No Jail TimeDUI with a CollisionThe Defendant was charged with a .13 blood alcohol content (BAC) DUI with a collision and a 2007 prior DUI. He was also charged with two counts of hit and run. The Defendant was still on probation for his prior DUI. In all this, the Defendant was faced with a maximum time in custody of 3 years and six months. Ultimately, the Defendant, on all matters, was sentenced to 60 days home confinement, restitution, and other mandatory fines, fees, and programs. The Defendant never returned to jail.
Prison Sentence Significantly ReducedFelony DUIDefendant was charged with a Felony DUI with three prior convictions and interfering with an officer in the performance of his duties. His exposure was 3 years in state prison. The Defendant only served six actual months in custody.